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Shoulder Pain Treatment


Singapore Bone and Joint Clinic:  The Right Place to Treat Shoulder Pain in Singapore


Shoulder pain has many causes and is a very common symptom that is experienced by both athletes and non-athletes alike. If you are unsure why you are having shoulder pain and wondering if it can be treated, contact our Chiropractic doctorsPlease call us if you are experiencing any of the following problems:


If your shoulder pain persists beyond a few days

If you have limited range of motion of your shoulder (can not raise your arm)

If you are unable to carry everyday objects

If the level of pain is the same and has not reduced after 1-2 days of rest

If the pain wakes you up at night

If you need to return to playing sports or work quickly

Our Chiropractors will diagnose the cause of your shoulder problem before recommending the appropriate treatment and management.  In some cases, imaging (x-ray or MRI) is needed, but in many cases we are able to start treatment immediately, without delay.  We not only look into your shoulder, but we will also examine other related (biomechanically) areas (e.g. such as the neck), since they can typically be the cause of your problem and not necessarily the shoulder itself.  Additionally, our doctors will review your case and family history, and discuss your treatment goals and options.




Our specialists use a variety of Chiropractic techniques and therapeutic modalities to relieve your shoulder pain. Treatments may consist of Chiropractic manipulation of the spine, shoulder, and elbow.  Electrical therapy can be used to reduced pain and restore normal muscle strength.  Infrared light therapy can be used to decrease inflammation and increase tissue healing.   Soft tissue manipulation and myofascial release is helpful to regain normal tissue synergy.  Strengthening and stretching are used to regain muscle tone and increase flexibility to prevent future reoccurrences.




Heat and Cold Therapy


Ice and heat pack applications are one of the most commonly used methods to relieve shoulder pain at home. However, it is extremely important to use them correctly and at the right time.  Using these methods at the wrong time can cause more pain and delay your recovery.  When should you use heat and/or ice?  Should they be used in the acute phase, the subacute phase, or the chronic phase? If you are unsure, please contact our doctors for the best recommendations.






Rehabilitation exercises are important in the overall treatment process because the absence of pain does not necessarily mean that your condition is 100% recovered, and that it will not occur again in the future.   Of course, it often feels great to be out of pain and able to resume some of your normal activities.  During the progression of your treatment, we will teach you how to prevent reoccurrences from happening in the future and answer any questions that you have.  We feel that if we do not show you how to do this, we are not doing our job as doctors.




So when should you be doing these exercises in the course of your treatment: in the beginning, in the middle, or at the end?  Which exercises should you be doing?  Which ones are good for you?   Which ones are bad for you?  Which ones will cause you to have a re-injury?   How many reps and sets should you be doing?   Different conditions require different treatment methods and techniques.  A frozen shoulder treatment is much different from a post-surgical rotator cuff treatment.  There is not a one-treatment fits all approach, therefore we do not treat our patients in this way.  This is one of the main reasons why patients fail in standardized treatment programs, or fail to get improvement beyond a certain point (they plateau).  Have you plateaued?  Please contact our doctors to find out what is the best treatment plan for your shoulder.

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